CBD oil is sweeping the nation and unlike trends of avocado toast and kombucha, CBD is here to stay. With medical journals praising CBD for its great potential in relieving illnesses like cancers, HIV, epilepsy, arthritis, anxiety, and depression, it is no surprise so many people want to get their hands on it. If you’re an interested CBD oil Idaho user you may be wondering well, what exactly is CBD? Is CBD oil legal in Idaho? And what about Idaho medical marijuana use, how does CBD differ from marijuana? All of these questions will be answered.

What Is CBD? What’s The Buzz
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a phytocannabinoid that was discovered in cannabis in 1940. Phytocannabinoids refers to any cannabinoid that is naturally occurring within cannabis. That means it isn’t artificially created in a lab. In recent years, cannabis advocates have praised CBD for its potential in providing relief in a wide array of ailments like seizures, anxiety, chronic pain, and depression.
Another popular cannabinoid is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component that gives off the sensation of “being high.” THC is concentrated in high levels in the marijuana plant; CBD is concentrated in high levels in the hemp plant. Unlike THC, CBD is nonpsychoactive and will not cause any mind-altering effects or get you “high.” Because CBD products contain little to no
THC, interested CBD oil Idaho users will be happy to know that CBD will not show up on a drug test.

Hemp Vs. Marijuana
What’s The Difference?
In the same way that CBD and THC are vastly different so too are marijuana and hemp. The reason people often confuse marijuana and hemp for being the same is that both plants come from the family of plants known as cannabis. There are many different kinds of cannabis including cannabis sativa, cannabis ruderalis, and cannabis indica.
A major aspect that differentiates marijuana and hemp are the conditions needed for the two plants to grow. Hemp can be grown almost anywhere with soil and sunlight. This is because hemp has the ability to adapt to a wide array of climates. Marijuana, on the other hand, is more particular. It needs to be grown in very specific and controlled conditions. This is why marijuana is often grown inside greenhouses with artificial lightning so that farmers can regulate things like temperature, water, and light.
The hemp plant has more versatility than marijuana due to the fact that it is non-psychoactive and can be used industrially. Marijuana can only be used medicinally or recreationally. There are many different industries uses hemp like the fashion industry, construction, art, food, and even the boating industry.
For CBD oil Idaho users knowing extraction is important since CBD can be extracted from either marijuana or hemp. CBD derived from hemp is known as CBD hemp oil. It is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plants and contains high levels of CBD. CBD derived from marijuana is known as CBD marijuana oil. It extracted from the flowers produced by the marijuana plant and has low amounts of CBD.

Is CBD oil legal in Idaho?
Trying to find the answer to is CBD oil legal in Idaho can be overwhelming. Aside from having to flip from one link to another and having to scroll through bulky paragraphs of text, the answers are always murky. Yes, it is legal–kind of, or maybe it was legal but got vetoed. It gets confusing when it shouldn’t be. The answer to is CBD oil legal in Idaho is a simple yes.
The reason why so many articles claim answering the question “is CBD oil legal in Idaho” is difficult is because of 2015. In 2015 Idaho attempted to pass a bill to legalize CBD oil. The bill passed through both chambers of the state legislature but was vetoed by Idaho’s governor Butch Otter. Even though Otter vetoed the bill, in 2018 the U.S. government passed the Farm Bill. The bill legalized hemp production and cultivation and removed hemp from the Controlled Substance Act.
Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Idaho?
Michigan differs from a majority of the states in that it has always had a lax approach to marijuana. In the 1900s, when much of the U.S. was rapidly criminalizing and banning the use of marijuana, Ann Arbor, a major city in Michigan,made the possession of small amounts of the substance merely a civil infraction subject to a small fine. Since the 19o0s, marijuana attitudes have continued to be positive in Michigan.
There have been several unsuccessful attempts to field ballot initiatives to vote on medical marijuana in Idaho. Ballot initiatives failed in 2012 and again in 2014 due to insufficient signatures on them. A 2016 attempt was supposed to be pushed forward but was withdrawn before signatures could be counted. Later, a 2018 attempt fell through when the organizer of the initiative had to quit to care for her sick son.
In 2013, the Idaho Legislature preemptively approved a statement of their opposition to ever legalizing cannabis. The statement known officially as the Senate Concurrent Resolution stated the affirmation of “the legislature’s opposition to the legalization of marijuana in Idaho.”
When it comes to medical marijuana, Idaho is very strict. Anyone found with any product containing more than 0.3% THC can be subject to conviction. Possibly in the future, as more research is done, legalization will be a topic of conversation, but as of right now the options are limited to just CBD hemp oil.

Hemp For Pain Relief
Researchers believe CBD has potential in alleviating pain due to the way CBD interacts with receptors in the brain and immune system. Receptors are tiny proteins attached to the body’s cells that receive chemical signals from different stimuli and help the cells respond. By interacting with the chemical signals, CBD may create anti-inflammatory and pain killing effects.
CBD has the potential to be a cleaner, better alternative to prescription medications. Unlike other common painkillers like opioids, CBD is a low impact drug and does not have a high possibility of becoming addictive.
Hemp For Anxiety
According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illness in the United States. Over 3 million cases are diagnosed each year and over 40 million Americans currently suffer from anxiety. Occasional anxiety is normal, but prolonged anxiety can be detrimental to health. Anxiety affects the central nervous system and long-term anxiety causes the brain to release stress hormones.
Recent studies have pinpointed CBD oil as one of the leading natural treatments for anxiety. Researchers believe CBD may alleviate anxiety by influencing signals in the endocannabinoid system. The ECS controls homeostasis, the body’s eternal equilibrium meter that helps keeps things like sleep, blood pressure, body temperature, and mood in balance. When the body is in balance, anxiety is kept at a minimum. The most prevalent anxiety disorders are:

Panic Disorder
Sudden feelings of fear and terror completely unprovoked
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
A long-lasting disorder which causes a person to have recurring thoughts and behaviors
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
A persistent feeling of worry and fear that interferes with daily life
Social Phobia
Intense fear of being rejected or judged in social situations
A persistently downcast mood and an apathetic feeling towards activities in life

Idaho Medical Marijuana: Next Steps
The history of Idaho marijuana can be traced back to 1927 when the mayor of Boise said: “The Mexican beet field workers have introduced new problem-the smoking in cigarettes or pipes of marihuana or grifo. Its use is as demoralizing as the use of narcotics.” Though 1927 was 92 years ago, lawmakers attitudes toward Idaho marijuana use has changed very little.
Talking about the Idaho medical marijuana laws is moot. As mentioned before, the state legislature has tried and failed four times to pass marijuana legislature. Despite antagonist sentiments, the state has, surprisingly, set up a preemptive draft that outlines how to purchase marijuana in Idaho if it should ever be legalized.
If medical marijuana gets legalized in Idaho the state has said they will establish a registry of qualifying patients and their primary caregivers and will issue an official Idaho medical marijuana identification card. To find what the qualifying conditions will be, residents can visit “Idaho medical marijuana qualifying conditions.“

CBD Hemp Oil Tinctures
CBD hemp oil tinctures are popular with CBD consumers because it is easy and straightforward to use. Medix CBD offers a range of easy-to-use CBD oils that come in different sizes and potency. The largest size is a 4500 mg or 120 ml bottle and the smallest size is 100 mg or 15 ml.
The CBD hemp oil tinctures are good for people that want to control how much CBD they are taking in one time. Tinctures are applied sublingually or below the tongue with a dropper. In doing so the oil is absorbed easily into the blood through tissues under the tongue.

CBD Edibles
For those that aren’t particularly interested in the tinctures, CBD edibles are another good way to get your CBD fix. Edibles are good because it packages CBD into small, easy-to-chew, delicious gummies. Since edibles must be broken down by the liver before the CBD is absorbed by the body, it is one of the least volatile forms of CBD consumption. The results wash over consumers nice and slow.
With the variety of great-tasting gummies and fruit chews that Medix CBD offers, you will find yourself stuck trying to decide which product is your favorite. Just 2-3 edibles a day and you can feel the difference that CBD brings to the table.

CBD Hemp Oil Creams
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 25.3 million adults experience chronic pain. Experiencing pain is something that no one wants to deal with and being in pain can inhibit a person from living their life fully. CBD hemp oil creams are becoming increasingly popular because studies show that they contain natural anti-inflammatory properties that help with joint pain, muscles aches, and much more.
Medix CBD provides the perfect hemp oil cream for your pain. The cream is formulated with pure extracts from hemp to target sore muscles and reduce pain and inflammation in a natural way. This cream can be applied directly to the affected area and works for all skin types.
How to get CBD oil in Idaho
Not all CBD oil is made equally. Though CBD became legal in Idaho by default of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD oil Idaho consumers need to pay attention when buying products to ensure that they are being quality and safe to consume CBD. Since marijuana is illegal in Idaho, consumers should check to make sure that the CBD oil they are buying is THC free. A good resource to use is Medix CBD.

Medix CBD is among the leading sellers of all things CBD. Medix CBD sells not only 100% natural and 100% THC-free CBD oil, but the store sells gummies, vapes, creams and lotionsand even tinctures for pets.