The current trend sweeping the states is CBD. CBD is being written about everywhere, medical journals, scientific newsletters, and even journalistic papers like The Washington Postand USA Today are all praising CBD for its potential to ease a variety of ailments like anxiety, depression, chronic pain, cancers, epilepsy, and even HIV. But, what exactly is CBD? Is CBD oil legal in Hawaii? And what about Hawaii medical marijuana, how is it different from CBD? For interested CBD oil Hawaii user, these are all important questions.

What Is CBD? What’s The Buzz
CBD or cannabidiol is one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis family of plants. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is another popular cannabinoid found in cannabis. CBD has been gaining traction over its THC counterpart for completely non-psychoactive. That means while using CBD oil, Hawaii residents do not have to worry about getting “high.”
Aside from CBD being nonpsychoactive and containing many different mental and physical benefits, CBD can be taken in way different ways. You want to drink it? Take it as a CBD oil tincture. You want to smoke it? Use a vape.Do you want to eat it? Get it in gummy form. You want to wear it? Rub it on as a cream or lotion! You can even give it your pets.

Hemp Vs. Marijuana
What’s The Difference?
Many people confuse hemp and marijuana to be the same thing because both come from the cannabis family of plants. Aside from this similarity, hemp and marijuana are vastly different in ways that interested CBD oil Hawaii customers should be aware of.
Marijuana, unlike hemp, must be grown in very specific, controlled environments and can only be used medicinally or recreationally. Hemp, on the other hand, can be grown almost anywhere with soil and sun. It can be used in a vast variety of ways in which marijuana cannot. Aside from medicinal uses, hemp can be used in papermaking, making clothes, art, and materials for ships.The two biggest things to look out for between hemp and marijuana is hemp-derived CBD vs marijuana-derived CBD. Hemp-derived CBD will have high levels of CBD, and little to no levels of THC, whereas marijuana-derived CBD is the opposite and will contain high amounts of THC.

Is CBD Oil Legal in Hawaii?
So now that you know what CBD is, and the difference between hemp and marijuana, the next question for an interested CBD oil Hawaii user is obvious: is CBD legal in Hawaii? The legality of CBD in Hawaii depends on the way the CBD is derived.
As stated before, CBD oil can be derived from both marijuana and hemp. CBD derived from hemp is legal in Hawaii as long as it contains no more than 0.3% THC. CBD that contains more than 0.3% THC can technically be classified as marijuana. So, is CBD legal in Hawaii? Yes, just make sure as a CBD oil Hawaii consumer that whatever CBD product you are buying falls within the THC allowance.
Is Medical Marijuana Legal in Hawaii?
Hawaii has a long history with marijuana going all the way back to 2000 when Governor Ben Cayetano signed the Hawaii Marijuana legislature known as Act 228. The act allowed for individuals to grow their own cannabis or appoint a caretaker to do so. However, the law did not establish any legal markets or dispensaries which led to confusion over what exactly was legal.
A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Hawaii program was created in 2015 requiring those who qualify for medical marijuana to register on health.hawaii.govThough the program was signed in 2015, the ball didn’t officially get rolling until a year after. In 2019, medical marijuana is legal in Hawaii.

Marijuana Dispensary: Hawaii
To address legal acquisition of cannabis, in 2016 the Hawaii legislature passed Senate Bill 321 which established a marijuana dispensary Hawaii system. Per the bill only eight dispensaries are allowed in the state. Currently, there are only seven marijuana dispensary Hawaii offices. One in Hilo, three in Honolulu, two in Kahului, and one in Kapaa.
To purchase from a marijuana dispensary in Hawaii, residents must obtain an official Hawaii Medical Marijuana Card or MMC. To receive a MMC patients must fill out an application on health.hawaii.gov Then, a licensed physician will need to certify that a patient’s health condition can be benefited from medical marijuana by using a list of qualifying conditions.

Hawaii Marijuana: Next Steps
Currently, 10 states: Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational use of marijuana. Though Hawaii marijuana laws have always been backward, with the state allowing for the use or medical marijuana without establishing dispensaries or a legal selling market until a little over a decade later, the island has always had a lax attitude toward marijuana.
Moving forward it will be interesting to see if and how recreational use of marijuana will work on the island. In the meantime, if you don’t want to endure the mind-altering effects of marijuana, then CBD oil is a cheaper, paper-work and registration free, natural and 100% legal option.

Hemp For Pain Relief
There are numerous studies suggesting that hemp may be used to help alleviate pain. Scientists believe that CBD influences signals from receptors in the body like CB2. Because CB2 receptors help play a role in managing pain in the body, by interacting with it CBD may help reduce inflammation and pain. In fact, many people are already using CBD to treat severe chronic pain caused by arthritis.
In the research study “Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effects on human sebocytes” researchers concluded CBD topical application is therapeutic in treating arthritis pain as well as blocking acute inflammatory flares that drive disease progression and joint neuropathy. That means not does CBD have the potential to ease inflammation and pain, it can help prevent future ailments from developing.
Hemp For Anxiety
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety disorder. Though occasional anxiety is natural and is the body’s response to fear or danger, having these feelings on a continual and frequent basis is a disorder.
When anxiety is left untreated it causes a build-up of stress hormones in the body. This build-up of stress doesn’t just make someone more irritable, it may also lead to increased chances of blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular disease like heart attacks. The most prevalent anxiety attacks are:

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Intrusive and recurring thoughts (obsessions) along with hard to control repetitive behaviors (compulsions)
Panic Disorder
Intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms like chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Exaggerated fear and worry that occurs frequently completely unprovoked
Social Phobia
Excessive self-consciousness and fear of social interactions
A continual “down” mood or apathy towards activities in life

CBD Edibles
CBD edibles are favorites among consumers. Edibles come in many different forms ranging from bite-sized, citrus-flavored gummy bears to sour worms. This makes edibles is not only super cute but delicious. For those who want the benefits of CBD without the plant-like flavor will find edibles to be a good choice
Medix CBD edibles come in many shapes and forms, and more importantly flavors. For picky costumers, Medix has a wide range of gummies: sour snakes, rainbow bites, gummy bears, and edibles chews that contain flavors like lime, lemon, strawberry, blueberry, and orange. Since gummies are small only 2-3 are needed per day for those who wish to take it as a daily vitamin.

CBD Hemp Oil Tinctures
CBD oil tinctures are one of the most straightforward ways to ingest CBD. Tinctures are applied sublingually ( a medically approved way to say below the tongue) using a small dropper often attached to the lid of the bottle. Taking CBD sublingually allows for it to be easily absorbed into the bloodstream since the tongue contains many small blood vessels or capillaries below it.
Similar to CBD gummies, tinctures allows for users to control CBD dosage. The tinctures Medix CBD sells comes in many different sizes with the largest size being 4500 mg or 120 ml. All CBD oil sol be Medix are 100% natural as well as 100% THC-free.

CBD Hemp Oil Creams
With over 50 million Americans suffering from chronic pain, according to a 2016 survey released by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is no surprise CBD hemp oil topicals are making waves in the health world. CBD creams are beneficial for people don’t want to take CBD orally and are interested in targeting specific areas of their body.
If you want to find quality CBD pain creams or topicals, Medix CBD has your back. Medix CBD topicals come in two sizes, a 150 mg cream, and a 300 mg lotion. The 150 mg cream is the perfect size for someone who likes to moisturize their skin or what to relieve pain throughout the day. It is small and can easily fit into a bag or purse. The lotion is scent-free and should not irritate someone with a sensitive nose or who is afraid of a clash of smells on them. No matter what size you choose, both work great.
Where to Buy CBD Hemp Oil in Hawaii?
There are many places to buy CBD oil and with Hawaii allowing THC infused in CBD oil, interested CBD Hawaii users have many options. For those not wanting to spend a lot of time hunting around for stores, Medix CBD is a great place to buy all things CBD.

Medix CBD sells a wide variety of products including oil, gummies, creams and lotions, even tincture for your pets. All products are lab-tested to make sure everything is 100% safe for human consumption and contain CBD extracted from premium hemp plants grown in Kentucky.